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EngageinEnglish's Shop

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Providing engaging and exciting resources for memorable lessons!




Providing engaging and exciting resources for memorable lessons!
Zombie Apocalypse

Zombie Apocalypse

The Zombie Apocalypse Cities lie abandoned. The streets are no longer safe as the K11 virus has spread and infected large numbers of the population. You and a small group of survivors have made it out of the city and have taken refuge in an abandoned farmhouse. You have to hold out against the ‘zombie-like’ hordes for 7 days until help arrives. Will you survive? Lesson includes: • Attractive title pages. • Zombie Apocalypse word search starter. • Attractive scenario pages. • Lesson objective page. • Planning sheet resources. This is structured so that students are encouraged to increase the tension as the ‘waves’ of zombie attacks increase daily. • Key word bingo plenary activity, including 30 individual bingo cards and caller card. • Prompts and slide prompt for lesson 2 Zombie apocalypse 2 is available here: https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/zombie-apocalypse-creative-writing-lesson-11278633 **Now available in a dystopian and horror bundle*: https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/dystopian-and-horror-bundle-11219710 For other engaging resources, including full lessons, visit my shop page here: https://www.tes.com/teaching-resources/shop/EngageinEnglish (Credits: royalty free images – zombie images pixabay, scenery from Geography UK. Bingo cards from myfreebingo.com)
Premium Writing Bundle - 3 Lesson Pack

Premium Writing Bundle - 3 Lesson Pack

Premium Writing Bundle - 3 Lesson Pack consisting of: The Summer Holiday Murders, The Sandman and The Zombie Apocalypse! More information and the individual lessons can be found here for £3 each. The Summer Holiday Murders: https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/the-summer-holiday-murders-creative-writing-11284487 The Sandman: https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/the-sandman-creative-writing-lesson-11277758 The Zombie Apocalypse: https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/zombie-apocalypse-creative-writing-lesson-11278633 Or all three highly engaging lessons can be downloaded here for just £5.50. Great for summer lessons! Or see my home page for more great lessons, bundles and resources: https://www.tes.com/teaching-resources/shop/EngageinEnglish (Credits: all images are copyright free, accreditation can be found on each download page.)
Zombie Apocalypse - Creative Writing Lesson

Zombie Apocalypse - Creative Writing Lesson

Highly engaging zombie apocalypse creative writing lesson guaranteed to motive. The scenario: You and a group of friends take a spin out of town in your new sports car. At first you are enjoying the night air and freedom of the road, but then a heavy fog suddenly descends Passing along a dark and dreary wood, you suddenly see a woman covered in blood appear along the main road. You swerve to avoid her and crash into a tree. Fortunately, everyone is well, but it becomes apparent that all is not what it seems… You are pursued through the woods by what seems to you to be an angry, crazed mob. Through the woods you and your friends discover an abandoned school. You immediately enter to take shelter from the encroaching hordes. Can you survive? What will happen next? Highly attractive Power Point includes: * Full lesson scenario * Starter task * Survival objectives * Planning sheet * Writing and discussion prompts * Interactive ‘zombie bingo’ with callers card and 30 individual bingo cards (from myfreebingo.com) Fantastic lesson!! You may also be interested in my other zombie apocalypse lesson or the first dystopian bundle: https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/dystopian-and-horror-bundle-11219710 Note: this brand new lesson is not part of this bundle. For more great resources and lessons, see my page here: https://www.tes.com/teaching-resources/shop/EngageinEnglish (Credits: copyright free images used in this lesson. Main zombie image copyright free: https://pixabay.com/en/apocalypse-zombie-death-undead-371947/ School image copyright free: https://www.flickr.com/photos/shedboy/3613591871, bingo cards from myfreebingo.com.)
Celebrity DIRT pack

Celebrity DIRT pack

Allow students to individualise their own assessment with these celebrity themed assessment pack. Celebrities include: Olly Murs, Bruno Mars, Taylor Swift, Harry Styles, Lionel Messi and Ellie Goulding. Grids feature WWW (What Went Well), EBI (Even Better If) and a space for DIRT (Directed Independent Reflection TIme.) Circled option to show if this is self, peer or teacher assessed. Grid size 130mm x 90mm perfect size for standard A5 books. For more resources and lessons visit my page here: https://www.tes.com/teaching-resources/shop/EngageinEnglish Photo credits: Flickr, Jagged Janine, Olly Murs; Graciela Suzem, Bruno Mars; Mingle Media, Ellie Goulding. Wikipedia, Eva Rinaldi, Taylor Swift and Harry Styles, Darz Moi, Lionel Messi.
The Cornish Diary - Murder Mystery

The Cornish Diary - Murder Mystery

A group of friends take what was supposed to be a peaceful trip to a remote Cornish coast only to discover strange goings-on in the village, smuggling in the coves and possibly, even murder! But who is responsible? And will the friends make it out alive? Visually attractive, creative writing mystery lesson complete with all resources needed for a fun engaging lesson. Power Point includes: * Title page. * Complete lesson objectives and outcomes (WALT and WILF) - with the focus on higher attaining students to use descriptive language for effect and to build up tension and drama within the story. * Effective lesson starter. * Story scenario – dramatic scenario (as above). * Quick planning sheet (included at the back of the Power Point). * Page prompts. * Fantastic “murder mystery bingo” plenary activity with teacher’s caller card and 30 unique bingo cards (with instructions on how to best play the game included). * Extra Power Point pages to allow for lesson 2. * All resources included at the end of the Power Point. *Now available as a four lesson bundle – four great lessons for £6.95!* https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/creative-writing-four-lesson-bundle-11256414 Please take a second to rate the lesson if you enjoyed it. You may also be interested in these further murder mystery lessons: https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/murder-mystery-double-pack-complete-lessons-11183128 (Copyright free images from Wikipedia, bingo from my free bingo.com)
The Faces of Britain The New Bank Notes - Assembly Presentation

The Faces of Britain The New Bank Notes - Assembly Presentation

A 36 page attractive bumper presentation of the faces of the new banknotes – Sir Winston Churchill, JMW Turner and Jane Austen! Presentation includes: facts, biography, quotes, images, links to video clips, questions and more! Ideal for form time, assemblies or as a basis for many different types of lessons. For more great resources see here: https://www.tes.com/teaching-resources/shop/EngageinEnglish (Credits given in the presentation.)
The Junior Doctors' Strike - Classroom Debate

The Junior Doctors' Strike - Classroom Debate

A topical debate to argue and persuade lesson on the doctors' strike. Attractive Power Point featuring information on what the strike is about, for or against video clips, detailed lesson objectives, for or against planning and writing prompts. This download is everything you need for a full lesson on this issue. No printing or photocopying required. For the writing version of this lesson see here: https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/the-junior-doctors-strike-writing-to-argue-and-persuade-11265234 Visit my page for more great lessons and resources: https://www.tes.com/teaching-resources/shop/EngageinEnglish (Credits: mirror.co.uk for the image, BBC for text material.)
Leicester City Champions - Presentation

Leicester City Champions - Presentation

A presentation on Leicester City and their amazing Premier League story of 2015/16 season! Ideal for form time presentations or assemblies. For more great resources or lessons see here: https://www.tes.com/teaching-resources/shop/EngageinEnglish (All images are credited within the Power Point. Most of the images are taken from guardian.co.uk)
Non-Fiction Double Pack - Film and Music Reviews

Non-Fiction Double Pack - Film and Music Reviews

Visually attractive, complete non-fiction lesson pack! Now just £4.50!!!! Music and Film lesson includes: • Power Point title page. • Love and Hate starter activity linked to the main task. • Lesson objectives page, with graded gold, silver and bronze outcomes. • Lesson goals page, outlining what is expected in the lesson. • Information and activity on what makes a good review. • Prompts to start activity and a quick peer assessment task. • Lesson plenary keyword spelling activity – spelling cards and suggested spellings included. Newspaper Headlines lesson includes: • Title page. • Two lesson starters (at the back of the Power Point) linking to the main task. • Starter prompt. • Lesson objectives – WALT and WILF. • Three suggested newspaper headlines (with help sheets) UFO landing, earthquake/volcano and flooding. • What to include in your article prompt. • Progress check prompt and lesson continuation • Link to an online, interactive hangman game. • (All resources included at the back of the Power Point.) ***Now also includes the A3 newspaper template: https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/a3-newspaper-template-11190518*** Lessons available to download individually below: Newspaper Lesson: https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/-newspaper-headlines-full-lesson-11193249 Film and Music Lesson: https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/music-and-film-reviews-full-lesson-11194708 See my complete resources page here: https://www.tes.com/teaching-resources/shop/EngageinEnglish
Prince - Music Legend - Bio, Facts and Quiz

Prince - Music Legend - Bio, Facts and Quiz

An informative Power Point on Prince, the talented musician and singer, who tragically passed away recently. The 23 page Power Point contains relevant bio information, unusual facts and a quick quiz to finish and is useful for form time or other such activities. For more resources or lessons visit my page here: https://www.tes.com/teaching-resources/shop/EngageinEnglish (Photo Credits: Africanindy.com, NME.)
Jaws Extract Analysis - Complete Lesson

Jaws Extract Analysis - Complete Lesson

A complete lesson on the film Jaws! Students watch a 10 minute clip of Jaws (choose a dramatic section at the start of the film) and do an extract analysis using the planning and prompt sheets provided. Power Point includes additional prompts, starter and pleanary ideas and lesson objectives. Resources included are: * Planning Sheet * Prompt Sheet * Additional Images (if required, these can be printed off and placed around the room for immediate impact to go with the starter.) For great more lessons and resources visit my shop here: https://www.tes.com/teaching-resources/shop/EngageinEnglish (Copyright free: to the best of my knowledge all images are copy right free.)
A3 Newspaper Template

A3 Newspaper Template

A3 Newspaper template comprising of a front page, two middle pages and a back page (simply print off the four A4 sheets and stick to an A3 sheet and copy 2:2). The resource is intended to be folded in half to act as a mini-newspaper with various activities. Front page: space for headline, two written spaces and an image space with 'A picture of the incident' underneath. First page: music review and film review spaces and a comic strip space. Second page: horoscopes, blank word search template and advert space. Back page: sports news section - title, two written spaces and two image spaces. You may also be interested in this complete and engaging lesson: https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/poetic-terms-full-lesson-11184997